T he   p e r f e c t   " W o r k i n g   T o o l "
F r o m   o u r   R o y a l t y   F r e e  D i v i s i o n
A great website companion!

  256 full color pages

  12,810 comping images on

R e s o u r c e   B o o k
&  W e b s i t e  C o m p a n i o n
P l u s   C D - R O M 

$ 19.95

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(W h y   " W e b s i t e  C o m p a n i o n "  ?

With this Resource Book and CD-ROM you'll have not ONLY a "stand alone" resource library, but also an incredibly efficient "working tool" that forms a bridge to searching on our site.
See an image in the book that is close-- but you'd like to see all the similars on our site?  Easy.  There are "Quicklinks" in the book and on the CD-ROM that will take you directly to the "similars" at comstock.com.
And that's just the beginning.
Start your search with the printed book; move on to the thousands of comping images on the CD-ROM.  Easy links on the CD-ROM will then take you to specific, related areas of our site.  Back and forth and around, all three "elements" working ideally together to save you time and increase your ability to find just the right image for your project.

 A b o u t   t h e   C D - R O M 

Over 12,000 comping images you can use to try out in your layouts before committing to purchase images.
Find what you need easily:
  Extensis Portfolio� keyword browser
  PDF's of all our discs
  Browser based HTML "front end" for convenient
     interfacing with our website.